小德兰爱心书屋最新公告 有一天,我做了一个奇怪的梦,至今让我难忘。梦中,我看到一本打开的用石头做的书,我用舌头去舔它,觉得有一种甜味,我就更用力去舔,最后从这本书里流出活水来了。从那以后,一种想要了解、学习的迫切渴求在我心里扩展开来,我燃起的强烈的愿望要在真道上长进。   我爱上了灵修书籍,我感觉好像是主亲自为我挑选那些有益精神修养的读物,主不喜悦我看那些世面流行的书籍,因为只要我一看到那些他不喜欢我看的书,我就有一种厌恶的感觉。主保守我,那样细心地防护着我,从那以后我从未读过一本不良的书籍。   善良的书使人向善,这些圣人的作品,渐渐地印在了我的脑子里。读这些圣书时,我思潮汹涌起伏,欣喜不能自已。书中谈到这些圣人们如何在与主的交往中得到灵命的更新,德行的馨香如何上达天庭。啊,在这世上曾住过那么多热心的圣人,为了传播福音,他们告别亲人,舍下了他们手中的一切,轻快地踏上了异国他乡,到没有人知道真神的世界里去。啊,若不是主的引领,我可能到死还不认识他们呢!   我的心灵从主给我的这些圣人的言行中选取了最美的色彩;当他们的一生在我面前展开时,我是多么的惊奇、兴奋啊!当我读到他们为主而受人逼迫、凌辱,为将福音广传而被人追杀时,我为他们的在天之灵祈祷,我哭着,为自已的同胞带给他们的苦难而哀号。我一遍遍地重读那一行行被我的斑斑泪痕弄得模糊不清的字句,那些被主的爱火所燃烧而离开家乡来到中国的传教士,我多么爱你们啊!我心中流淌着多少感激的泪水。   他们受苦却觉得喜乐,因为他们爱主,他们感到能为主受一点苦是多么喜乐的事。他们受苦时仍在唱着感谢的歌,因他们无法不称颂主,因主使他们的心灵洋溢了快乐;他们激发了我内心神圣的热情,在我的心灵深处燃烧起一股无法扑灭的火焰,他们那强有力的言行激励我向前。   我一面读,一面想过着他们这样圣善的生活,也立志不在这虚幻的尘世中寻求安慰。我一读就是几个钟头,累了就望着书上的圣像沉思默想。啊,当我想到我有一天还要见到他们,亲耳聆听他们的教诲,伴随在他们的身边,和他们一起赞颂吾主,想到那使我欣喜欢乐的甜蜜的相会,这世界对于我一点吸引力都没有了。   从这些书籍里,我认识了许多爱主的人,他们使我更亲近主,帮助我更深的认识主,爱主。这些曾经生活在人间的圣人圣女,内心隐藏着来自天上光照的各种宝藏,听他们对悦主的甜蜜喁语,我也陶醉了。主藉着这些书籍慢慢地培养我的心灵,当我看到这些圣德芬芳的圣人再看看满身污秽的我,我失望过,沮丧过,哭泣过,和主呕气过,甚至埋怨天主不用祂的全能让我立刻成圣。但是主让我明白,灵命的成长需要时间,成长是渐进的,农民等待稻谷的长成需要整个季节,才能品尝丰收的喜悦,我也要有谦卑受教的态度才能接受主的话语,要让这些圣言成为血肉(果实),是需要时间的。   从网上我读到许多有益心灵的书。当我首次读到盖恩夫人的传记时,清泪沾腮,她的经历强烈地震撼着我的心,我接受到了一个很大的恩宠,使我认识了十字架是生命的真正之路。读圣女小德兰的传记时,我又有别一种感受,我看到了一个与我眼所见的完全不同的世界,那里没有争吵,没有仇恨,没有岐视,那是主自己在人的心里建造的爱的天堂。还有圣女大德兰的自传,在这位圣女的感召下,我初领了圣体,从圣体中获得无量恩宠。这些书引我向往那超性的境界,向往那浑然忘我的境界,从此无益的书一概不看了。我一遍遍地重温这些我喜欢的书籍,一遍又一遍地回味书中那些难忘的情景,我和他们谈心,告诉他们我愿意效法他们,心里多么渴望能像他们那样爱主。   我因此而认识了许许多多圣人,这些圣人中有许多也曾是罪人,使我也能向他们敞开心门。我一会儿求这个圣人为我转祷,一会儿求那个圣人为我祈求圣宠,这些圣人使我的生活变得丰富多彩。我想,既然他们真心爱天主,那么他们也会真心爱我。现在他们和天主如此接近,当世人向他们祈求时,他们也会想方设法将我的祈祷告诉天主的。就这样,他们和我共享生活的体验,不断地把上天仁爱的芬芳散播给我,他们的友谊使我的欢乐加倍,痛苦减半;他们已走过死阴的幽谷,从他们身上我学习到了明辨、通达、智慧、勇敢、诚实、快乐、圣洁等等美德。他们的言行是滋润我心田的美酒。   这些书使我专注于天上的事理,我的很多不良嗜好因此不知不觉地放弃了。我的信德一天一天长大,我知道我的一言一行都有天使记录;我也深信人有灵魂,信主的人有一个美好的家;也相信圣人们都在天上为我祈祷,我并不是孤军奋战;我是生活在一个由天上地下千千万万奉耶稣的名而组成的家庭里,我庆幸自己因了主的恩宠能生活在这个大家庭慈爱的怀抱里;我也渴望所有的人都能进入光明天家,和圣人们一起赞美天主于无穷世!   小德兰爱心书屋启源于一个美好的梦。小德兰希望所有圣书的作者和译者都能向主敞开心门,为圣书广传而不记个人的私利;愿天主赐福小德兰;赐福所有传扬主名的网站;赐福所有来看圣书的人;也求主扩张人的心界,使小德兰能将更多更好的书藉,献给喜欢读圣书的人!从2014年12月18日开始我们使用新域名(xiaodelan.love),原域名被他人办理开通,请您更改您网站或博客上的链接,谢谢。 【请关注微信公众号:小德兰书屋】   
天路灵粮Top 10
来源:胡文浩 杨开勇 我们被警告 浏览次数:746 更新时间:2020-7-11 21:30:23

August 9, 1881 (Our Lady warns about thedestruction of Paris.)


"My children,” said the VirginMary, “when crime is at its highest, when the subjects of the formidable enemywill take their place at the Centre (i.e. Paris), the terror and the hand of mySon will already be affecting the walls of this city so guilty – even thoughthere are good people


- but they will be victims of crimes andiniquities.


My children, do you know the number ofthose who will escape this infernal bloody war? This, I dare not utter. (i.e.,because there will be so few.)

孩子们,你们知道有多少人能逃脱这场地狱般的血腥战争吗这一点,我不敢说。即因为只会有很少人。 )

My children, all Christians who will notabscond to hide in secret places, those who prefer to water the earth withtheir blood instead of going to a country at peace ... the number of those tobe protected is written in the eternal throne.


When I look at this figure (sum), I canno longer be consoled and my heart is pierced with a thousand swords. (i.e.,because those who will be protected will be very small.)

当我看到这个数字(总数),我再也不能得到安慰,我的心被一千把剑刺穿。即因为受保护的人数将会很少。 )

My children, there will not escape onehundred, no, not one hundred in the middle of this huge guilty city (Paris) ...Count less than twelve, you will have the true figure. Never was there a paingreater for me.



The men will complete up to their lastlimits the righteous anger of my Son.


While these unfortunates rush all mypeople to the grave, then the world will be under the vengeful lightning ofHeaven.



My children, work on Sundays! ... Soonthey will see no more than a few Christians attend services! The confessionalswill be empty ... My children, it is blasphemy that brings hell on earth.


I am in sorrow for the clergy. I seethat, in a great amount and more of priests, the mind (or spirit) weakens everyday.


Many pastors are no longer, as were manyof our priests, determined to die in honour of their sacred ministry. "

许多本堂司铎,正如同许多神父们那样,不再决心为他们圣职而牺牲。 」

August 9, 1881 – Our Lady gives Hercomplaints to Marie-Julie:


"My children, in this unfortunatetime, days of abstinence are no longer kept."

我的孩子们,在这个不幸的时刻,克苦,守斋,补赎罪过已经不再保持了。 」

"My children, work on Sundays ismaking progress every day." (i.e., not that she approves, she means thatthe worldly acceptance of servile work on Sundays will make rapid progress dayby day.)

我的孩子们,星期天工作每天都在进展。 」(即这并不是她(圣母)赞成的,她的意思是说,世俗上接受星期天做苦工将会一天天地迅速进展。)

"My children, it is blasphemy thatbrings hell on Earth."

我的孩子们,这是亵渎,把地狱带到地上。 」

"My children, my last plaint, thatwhich puts the sword at the entrance of hearts! I complain of the clergy... Myvictims, servants and maids, I am well in sorrow for the clergy; it is for Methe greatest sorrow only because for them pardons are so hard to obtain.


The priest's life is so high in grace,the gifts he possesses are so powerful that, if they were known, everyone wouldfall prostrate at their their feet and they would speak with the same respectas if talking to My Son. "

司铎的一生是如此的高尚,他拥有的恩赐是如此的强大,如果人们知道了,每个人都会拜倒在(司铎)他们的脚下,们说话的时候也会像对我儿子说话一样尊敬(司铎) 」


Marie-Julie: "It is true, dearMother, but the dignity of the priest is no longer respected."

玛利亚茱莉:「是的,亲爱的妈妈,但是司铎的尊不再受人敬重了。 」

Lady. "But my daughter, many do notknow how to respect themselves, words that tear the heart of the High Priest,my children, I see that the spirit weakens every day. The thought of thepresent time makes it difficult to choose, the side they prefer to follow. Mychildren, many pastors are not, as many of our priests, determined to die intheir honour and sacred ministry.


great part, their thoughts, theiropinions are for those who now govern this poor country." (i.e., theclergy then were supporting the republican / secular government of France.)

神父他们不再知道我们先祖的灵魂是来自王家的司祭(是特选的种族),在很大程度上,他们的思想和意见都是为了那些现在统治这可怜国家的人。 」 (即当时,圣职人员支持法国共和世俗政府。)



Our Lady is crying, saying these words.She continues:


"What a shame ere long will be onthe priestly family.


What a disgrace for the overthrow of thefaith and (to) attach (themselves?) to the laws of these unfortunates of thecenter (I.e. the government) that make so much evil and that wants to make thehome of My Saints a theatre, a place of hellish abomination.


My children, there is only our priests(who oppose it?), the Bishops, the biggest number is in that direction (i.e.,following the hellish regime); there is hardly any from the other one (the sideof faithful priests), so that it is almost, almost as if there is needed onlyone second to name them all."




Marie-Julie: “O Good Mother, it ispainful when you think of it!”

玛利亚茱莉:「哦,好妈妈,你一想起来就很痛苦! 」

Our Lady. "O My children, I knowwell to whom I speak. Oh that my words were heard outside, it would weaken manypeople because of the weakness of the clergy." (i.e., Many faithful peoplemight lose their courage when hearing these warnings.)

我们的圣母:「孩子们啊,我很清楚知道我在对谁说话。哦,如果我的话被外界听到,那会使许多人软弱,因为圣职人员的软弱会。 」(即当听到这些警告时,许多虔诚的人可能会失去勇气。)


"My children, do you believe, canyou believe that Centre, South, in the East, (In Paris, the South and East ofFrance) the Bishops will abandon the Church without regret, without thinking ofanything other than 'every man for himself', in the epoch in which we are (in)?"

我的孩子们,你们相信吗你们能相信吗在我们所处的那个时代,、南部、东部(在巴黎、法国的南部和东部)的主教们会毫不惋惜地抛弃教会,除了人人为己以外,不去想别的事情。 」

"My children, in all the newBishops, there is not an entire generation of faith, there is above all abelief in the weakness against My Son; they will never be forgiven.


They do not deny His powers, but they donot admit that My Son uses the earth to make (all) pass towards the good, thesalvation and protection of souls (the social reign of Our Lord).


(i.e., They do not believe that Our Lorduses everything on earth for His purpose of saving souls, including naturalphenomena and disasters?) Oh, they will be punished for their unbelief and thepunishment is in the Hands of My Son.

即他们不相信我们的主用世上的一切来拯救灵魂,包括自然现象和灾难? )哦,他们必因不信而受惩罚,惩罚乃在我儿子手中。

The clergy is weak; the French clergy, agreat number shall turn towards the perishable side (i.e., the evil side).

圣职人员是软弱的;法国的圣职人员,一大批将转向易腐烂的一面 (即邪恶的一面

The French clergy will be punishedbecause of its levities; shining punishments without measure in the hands of MySon.


My children, the French clergy is moreresponsible because it is more educated (i.e., in spiritual matters), religionis more extensive (with them) than any other country.


Catholicism has existed in France whenother countries were not very Catholic; for that, they will be punished moreseverely. But everywhere, the clergy is bad everywhere, my children!"

当其他国家还不是很信奉天主教的时候,法国就已经有了天主教;因此,他们将受到更严厉的惩罚。可是在任何地方,我的孩子们,任何地方,神职人员处处立坏榜样! 」



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