我们被警告(胡文浩译 王保禄 杨开勇校阅)列表
·01我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的生平
·02我们被警告 玛丽·茱莉的启示和
·03我们被警告 撒旦要把人悉数扫入
·05.我们被警告 关于法国和罗马教庭
·06我们被警戒 得到新圣髑
·08我们被警告 会见玛加利大.玛利亚
·10.我们被警告 三天大黑暗
·18我们被警告 关于共济会
·19我们被警戒 最后的温柔劝诫!
·22.我们被警戒 背教还是殉道?
·25.圣文德的造访 !
·35.圣本笃造访: 警告假基督到来的
·36. 惩罚之前“良心的内在警告”
·80.我们被警告 圣神论法国要经受的
·82. 立恶表的坏司铎有祸了,圣母对
·097 .天主宣告法国教会与罗马教会
·098.门徒与教宗的分离 巴黎大塌方
·099 .善与恶的征兆
·100 更多关于分裂、邪恶、三天黑暗
·101 天父对我们可怜的灵魂的三个要
·102 为保全身体的性命,将有许多人
·103 在那里,天地之间的争战要临到
·104 我看到敌人在高层(圣教会的首
·105 关于新弥撒(这个弥撒是由不听
·106 我们被警告 关于儿童教育
·109 玛利亚·茱莉宣布,全球四分之
·110 大量的人将背教,许多父母养育
·111. 在1920年,宣布第二次世界大战
·112. 灵魂们,思念我吧。思念我,
·116 .你们是耶稣的血,你们是耶稣
·117 .相信上主的怜悯
·118 .痛苦圣母告诉我们:对不敬虔者
·119 .我呼召你成为这世上末日的使
·120 . 如何使千万罪人悔改
·121 .受苦、补赎、牺牲是耶稣圣心
·123 .没有经历苦难,就体会不到怜
·125. 警告2天和3天的黑暗,加上补
·126 我的孩子们,法国罪恶重大,应
·127 玛利亚.茱莉临终前最后的话
·128 主年复一年地警告祂的百姓:大
·129 将有许多灵魂,被附魔,作出世
·130 火将从天上降落在索多玛(巴黎
·132 天主和圣母, 一步一步地向我
·134 大圣若瑟的能力及劝告:不要依
·135 意大利在可怕的危机和内战期间
·139 我们被警告 关于拯救法国的细
·140 我们被警告 在法国受到各种惩
·142 对主肩膀上伤口的敬礼(在最后
·143 主耶稣基督肩膀的圣伤和对那些
·144 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·145 .我正在寻找爱我的灵魂来感同
·146.我们被警告 最后一滴宝血从十
·147 我们被警告 我们的主教导玛利
·148 我们被警告 法国得救了
·149 我们被警告 向玛丽·朱莉所启
·150 伟大的君王将在十字架的标记下
·151 更多关于十字架圣所:当暴风雨
·152 更多关于十字架圣所2:十字架是
·160. 被放置在未来圣所十字苦路的
·163. 我们的博纳加德圣母和勒加缪
·165 众多圣人们和神学家们都预言了
·166 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·167 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·170 众多圣人和神学家的预言(六)
·171 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·172 众多圣人和神学家的预言(八)
·173 众多圣人和神学家的预言(九)
·174 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十)
·175 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十一
·176 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十二
·177 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十三
·178 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十四
·179 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十五
·180 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十六
·181 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十七
·182 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十八
·183 众多圣人和神学家的预言(十九
·184 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·185 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·186 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·187 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·188. 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·189 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·190 我们被警告 众多圣人和神学家
·191 我们被警告 给玛利亚·茱莉关
·192 我们被警告 宽免的十字架和修
·193 我们被警告 关于圣本笃圣牌
·194.书末预言(165-190) 引证出处
浏览次数:1729 更新时间:2020-9-27

November 13, 1924


The Divine Heart:


"When the time to purify the Earthwill be close, when minds revolt one against another,when there will be neitherpeace nor justice in My Christians, not in the world but in My Christians, thehour of My justice will be close.


I will purify the earth of all thoseimpure and unjust souls that insult and outrage Me.


I will strike down their bodies with a feature of My Justice soprecipitate, so fast, that it will be fast as lightning ...... then My angerand My Justice.


The Divine Heart: "O My littlespouses, after a moment I test all My best friends.


I have such need of a mountain ofsufferings to repair so many crimes that offend Me, but I find even less thatof souls to save, lost in that moment for Me.


(i.e., so few souls withstand the 'test'and are unwilling to suffer for Him.)


You redeem for Me many souls by yoursuffering, but the majority(i.e., of sinners) will perish, their bodies will bestruck by lightning and reduced to dust in an instant because all thesewretches are full of Satan, that is why I will reduce them to dust.


You will keep My words, you willremember and you will see them fulfilled.


Never has any punishment happened likethis which is close,very close.


Never has the world been ascorrupt,deceitful, deceptive, greedy, ambitious and wicked."

这个世界从来没有像现在这样堕落、欺诈、虚伪、贪婪、野心勃勃、邪恶。 」

Marie-Julie: "Oh! Divine Heart youcan stop them."

玛利亚.茱莉:「哦!圣心你可以止住他们。 」

The Divine Heart: "My littlespouse, yes, I will stop them quickly. My righteous anger has almost reachedthe end, terrible for Me, the loss of so many souls.


But I want to raise the earth witheredunder all sorts of crimes, of impurities,violations, of hatred against My holylaws,against everything that sensibly touches Me."

但我想要唤醒这片土地,这片土地因各种罪恶、不洁、背逆、仇恨而被废弃,这些人违反我的神圣法律,每件事都明显的触犯了我(的圣洁与公义)。 」

Marie-Julie: "Divine Heart, you aresad, angry, it is a cruel wound that the soul feels."


The Divine Heart: "Mine is evendeeper. It pierces unto My glorious flesh, so much suffering that they haverendered it glorious.


Bright glory, infinite glory. I boughtit, My little spouses, in the will of My Father for the salvation of many soulsthat I will lose, that are going to curse Me and insult Me shamefully."


 (i.e.,despite His Passion, these sinners will send themselves to Hell.)


Marie-Julie: "Adorable Heart, havemercy on your just ones suffering so much ..."

玛利亚.茱莉:「可敬的心啊,可怜可怜你那些受苦的义人吧…… 」

The Divine Heart: "I will give thema great reward. I will bless them as I blessed the holy man Job, from whom Ihad removed everything and to whom I gave everything back. My little souls thatI love so much... "

圣心:「我必给他们大赏报。我要赐福给他们,像赐福给圣人约伯一样,我把他的一切都拿走了,又把所有的东西都还给了他。我深爱的可爱的灵魂们…… 」

"The beautiful reign of the DivineHeart will brighten the earth with joy and happiness almost as soon as thefeatures of Justice will have purified so many souls who do evil, so many bad Christians,so many hypocrite-souls hidden from human eyes but visible to the eternaleyes.”


"I give you for a calm and assuredhome My Divine Adorable Heart with this great love of My Blessed Sacrament thatthey want to destroy in destroying Me, trying every means to destroy My sweetHeaven on Earth, My tent, My holy place, the faith of My elect.


It will be missing on earth, but not forlong this Bread of Eternal Life, the Bread that sustains My little sufferingsouls, the banquet, which strengthens them.


I will leave to the wicked one hour ofpower and strength, they will, to increase their number, all the outcasts ofthe abyss, the eternal abyss, all the damned who are on the earth in humanforms to destroy everything, to annihilate everything. I will leave them thispainful and difficult hour.


It will be followed by a profounddarkness.


The whole sky will be cloudy.


Your blessed lights(i.e.,the pure waxcandles)will serve in the day and My blessings will be abundant.


My peace will be with you in this darknight, I will launch all the features of My Justice.


I will blast the losers of souls.


I will sift the false consciences.


I will annihilate the wicked.


I will reduce them like a ......(textmissing?)


This time is not far off when I assureyou that you will not fear.


My cross and My Divine Heart will beyour shelter, your refuge, stay, do not run away ... elsewhere.


My Justice will pass.


The whole earth will continue in MyJustice.


It is the time that I will rise up, Iwill stop all the evil to enter in the beautiful reign of My Sacred Heart.


There will be great signs in this reign,there will be resurrections, there will be wonders of protection for My soulsthat I want to guard to raise up the good, to flourish once again.


I will re-people (the earth) with holysouls, of righteous souls, souls full of faith.


The peace will cause (all) to forget thepast troubles.


My grace will dry the tears, My wonderswill delight every heart. It is necessary that the earth is purified, it isnecessary that the enemy of souls who works behind the scenes is thrown into anabyss into which he may not do evil, he will not be able to insult and offendMe, but what of lost souls!


My Passion, My death, so much sufferingfor the salvation of souls will be lost for them ....


My little souls, I love you and you loveMe but never, in spite of your great pains, you will never understand how I amoffended.


What black treasons he makes in theshadows, as injustice.


If you knew theawful designs of men!I do not want you to open the depth of these infamouscrimes.


If you knew the infamous correspondencesthat are under the influence of Satan.


They sell My Holy Church, they sell insecret the head of the priest, the sell in secret the poor earth that theysubject to a horrible punishment. It has not seen, it did not understand andtoday it makes a hellish trade that the world has never seen before take place.


All is delivered up, everything is soldand plots being hatched, every day, the hunger for human flesh to devour, thethirst for human blood makes all their bodies seethe with unrest and a desireto reach the goal as soon as possible.


All this is happening in the room ofhell (Chamber of Deputies), under the chairmanship of souls sold to the spiritof evil. "


The Divine Heart: "O, how I sufferat the thought of the loss of souls!


When I think of that deluge of My greatJustice, My Divine Heart is seized with fear and all of Heaven is lost inabsolute silence.


My little souls, your refuge: My Cross,My Divine Heart.


I want to save you, to guard you torejoice after the suffering.


I will give you My abundant graces."

我要把我丰富的恩宠赐给你。 」

"Come to Me who am left helpless,come to Me,I who have so many graces to give you, come in spirit, come inreality, (i.e. physically) come to My holy Altar, come to fortify yourself inMy Holy Presence."

(圣心:)「到我这里来吧,无助的人,到我这里来吧,我有如此多的恩宠要赐给你,全心全意的归回吧,来到我的圣殿中,在我神圣的祭台前,坚固你自己。 」

"Come sacramentally andspiritually.


I love to come to you. I find Mydelights and relief because your souls eat the bread of suffering, but love isin pain as pain is in love. I give My sufferings to My greatest friends, Myclosest friends ... "

我喜欢到你这里来。我发现我的快乐和宽慰,因为你的灵魂吃了苦难的饼,但爱在痛苦中,正如痛苦在爱中一样。我把我的苦难给我最好的朋友,我最亲密的朋友…… 」

"I have the sovereign remedies tocure everything, especially to put peace in My beloved souls."

「我有极好的疗法来治愈一切,尤其是将我的平安,给我心爱的灵魂们。 」

Marie-Julie: "Divine Heart, you areso good! ...


 “Becauseyou leave so much to suffer for Your little suffering friends."

因为你给那些受苦的朋友,留下了这么多的苦难。 」

The Divine Heart: "Do you know whyI let them suffer so much?


It is to fill them with happiness when Itouch those who offend me and ...because I am with you, My little spouses, andit is a debt that I ask of you before My wrath upsets the Earth before Myirritated Face settles on this land, this land where so many miracles havetaken place."

我不立即显罚那些冒犯我的人,任凭他们行乐,恶人的快乐是暂时的……,因为我和你们在一起,我可爱的净配们,在我向他们燃起愤怒之火,赫赫的震怒,以及灾祸降临在这块土地上之前,我向你们要求这个补赎。 」

Marie-Julie recommends intentions thenshe said: "O Divine Heart, I do not know what to do.


I do not suffer for me but for my littlefriends.


From morning to night, at Your feet, Ithink of their suffering. Mine are nothing.


I have Your peace, that is enough. Ihave relief, mitigation of the penalties and the crosses ... For us, sufferingis "ren" (nothing?) but to see suffering is a martyrdom, a martyrevery day.


Oh! good Jesus,my sweet Saviour, subjectto Your holy Will,relieve our little sisters all their misery and let me theircross and their suffering. I am not useful for anything else, Lord.


I can not do anything ... that ininaction without being able to be devout or do any good out of here, in mypoverty ... Relieve, O Lord, comfort those little souls.


I will not leave You alone, I will notleave You without tranquillity (i.e. solace), I will not stop, as long as Ihave a breath of life I will beg Your Heart.


Can you deny a poor beggar, You are sogood."

你能拒绝一个可怜的乞丐嗎?你真是太好了。 」

Dear little sisters! O It softens thedear Love.


He opens His Divine Heart as a vastHeaven, to receive all the ...(text missing?)


From there, I return to the Virgin Marywho all this time has been on her knees at the feet of the Divine Heart withall of our intentions, praying for all souls ...


Good Mother, I ask you ... Jesus doesnot refuse you anything ".


The Blessed Virgin: "My little children, my Providence is opento you, it is my heart of a mother ...


There are hours marked as a reward,forthe beautiful souls of the Lord."



下一篇:116 .你们是耶稣的血,你们是耶稣的体,圣体圣血是你们的生命,你们爱的力量!


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